The Hot Spot - Pensacola, FL.
Writing a review on BBQ is like talking about art: everyone has an opinion, is entitled to that opinion, and feels strongly about their opinion. But since I’m the one with the food blog and 5 subscribers (love you, Mom) my opinion will be king.
My girlfriend and I sat down and that was when points began to fly off the ticker. Each and every table has its own personal mirror. Through the duration of the meal, I kept catching a glimpse of some fat guy staring at me and then I would realize it was me.
The waitress brought our drink orders. I got sweet tea. The GF didn’t. I forgot to explain to her that sweet tea is to BBQ what wine is to communion. You just can’t have one without the other. The sweet tea was liquid diabeetus. Probably 2 cups sugar to the gallon. Normally, I’d count off for too much sugar but, y’all, it’s sweet tea. If you don’t have a cavity by the end, it’s not sweet enough.
I always order brisket and turkey when I go to a new BBQ place. Brisket is the standard and Turkey is so hard to cook well that if they can nail turkey, they get my salute. Hot Spot only BBQ’s chicken... not turkey. I just got the brisket and my two vegetables: potato salad and mac and cheese. (Little known fact: at BBQ restaurants, mac and cheese turns into broccoli inside you. It’s like transubstantiation only way less creepy)
I think the decorations were ok. I say “think” because every time I glanced up, I saw the mirror and felt the guilt. I’ll hit the gym soon, I promised myself.
The food finally came.
If you are from Texas, and know BBQ, I’d like to offer a trigger warning. You will need to go to a safe space.
Who does that?
The mac and cheese was good. Easily the best part of the main course. The cheese was real and the roux base was not too gluey. I would have preferred a stronger cheese or even the addition of nutmeg but that’s just my taste in art. The potato salad was non-committal. The salt level was good but the mustard base was lacking. Potatoes are perfect vessels for carrying flavor. A good potato salad will have a strong mustard flavor punctuated by the sour notes of vinegar either in pickles or relish. This one reminded me of leftover beef stew potatoes floating in yellow river silt.
The waitress asked if we wanted pie. The man in the mirror said no but the man with the love handles said yes. I ordered a lemon pie.
This was the star of the show.
The GF rolled her eyes, asked me to stop talking to my reflection, and said the pie was very tasty. *sigh. I guess the Mona Lisa is nice.
Sauce aside, the brisket was sufficiently tender and juicy. I would have preferred more char. I give The Hot Spot a 6 out of 10. Leave the sauce on the side, sharper cheese, and use real mustard (not the fake yellow stuff).
Bonus point: you get a free cookie on your first visit.
Happy eating, y’all.
Next time you come to Fort Collins, we have a new BBQ place to try with you. We've been twice. Once was "ok", the 2nd time was bliss.
ReplyDeleteYou're on. As long as I get to do a review and make foodgasm noises if it's good.